Friday, December 25, 2020

Doing the holiday things

My son wanted to do the holiday things.

So I had to put my inner Grinch away and smiled for the photos

Thursday, December 24, 2020

The night before Xmas

Twis the night before Xmas and....nothing. We’re doing nothing. 🎅🏽🚫

We don’t celebrate Christmas, but we do enjoy all the holiday activities.

Especially this year I wanted my son to have a few days of nothing but fancy lights and touring around town.

It tis the season. 🎉

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Friday, August 14, 2020

Tween attitude solution

Seriously. My son pushed me to far with the tween attitude and sass today. I was about to get into the usual argument but....

I decided I had enough. Like seriously. Not another pointless argument with him. So I shut my mouth and unplugged the PS4. Yes. I DID.

Lately it's been a constant fight to get him away from the PS4, off his phone or the laptop to do ANYTHING. Today it was about getting the mail. He literally got mad. At me. Nah bruh.

So now he lost ALL his tech access until he improves his tween attitude. I figure it should take 5 to 7 years right?

#parenting #ParentingTweens

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Our best nine 2019

From my 2019bestnine you’ll see I was all about personal growth, family and for some weird reason dinosaurs in 2019. 🤷🏽‍♀️

I didn’t post much online but I did so much offline.

I went back and completed school, took my tech love seriously and deeped family connections. I live in each of my moments and became a better version of myself.