Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Celebrating Holiday Us

We may not celebrate xmas but we will always celebrate spending time with each other. We always celebrate “US”.

Each year brings its own set of single parenting challenges, disappointments and tears. But it also brings growth, miraculous moments and memories of laughter.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Seeing spies in disguise

We screened @SpiesInDisguise tonight! šŸ•µ️‍♀️šŸ¦

You’re gonna want to take your flock to see it when it opens in theaters 12/25! My full review next week! (hosted) #SpiesinDisguise #spiesindisguisemovie

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Hayrides, marshmallows and holiday activities

So today we did some fun holiday activities including....

roasting marshmallows outside on a fire pit

riding a pony?

going on a hayride

photo with Santa and Ms Claus.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Minecraft Earth AR Game

How are we spending the day? #Gaming of course.

Getting a first look at #MinecraftEarth AR game at @MicrosoftStore NYC. #AugmentedReality #MicrosoftNYC

Holiday Tree Moment 2019

Having a #momandson holiday moment in front @RockCenterNYC tree.

It’s our thing for the past few years. #RockCenterXMAS #rockerfellacenter #holidaytree

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Jurassic World Live Night

We had a fun (and scary good) time at Jurassic World Live Tour at Giant Center in Hershey,PA.

There was lots of thrilling Dino filled moments. A family fun event for sure! (hosted)

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Parenting While in China

I know my USA friends are now getting up to start the day. But over here in Beijing, it's night time for me to sleep.

But before that, gotta video chat with my son. Cause parenting. šŸ¤·šŸ½‍♀️ #travelingmoms #HeJustWantsToSeeMe #visitchina

Monday, October 14, 2019

Making healthy Halloween treats

Making yummy healthy “Halloween” treats for tonight.

Making healthy Halloween treats

I don’t celebrate it but Ill still eat all the food (and candy!)

Friday, March 8, 2019

Dont wanna go to school excuses

And...the excuses why my son doesn't want to go to school has started.

First up. His asthma....I point out the school nurse has asthma kit for him.

Second, his leg hurt. But he's walking around.

I'm waiting on third now...šŸ™„

Monday, January 7, 2019

Our Best Nine 2018 snapshots

These 2018BestNine snapshots captures some important moments, which shows who we are as a family.

Best Nine 2018 snapshots - Blasian Baby Notes

We supported our mixed race & black culture, we traveled, & yes we still love dinosaurs *sigh*.

Our 2018 was filled with amazing activities, which we plan to continue in 2019.