Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sometimes nursing wins

So for the morning nap I decided to carryover the night "cry it out" training into daytime. When I saw my son getting sleepy I moved him into the bedroom where it's quiet and the light are subdued.

I started to nurse him and when I noticed he starting to nod off, I shifted him into the playard. I sat next to him on the bed and waited for the crying to start.

Well he just laid there for a few seconds, smiled at me and then started rolling all over the playard.


OK, so a little activity isn't bad if he needs it to go to sleep right? Well after about 10 minutes I noticed this activity wasn't getting him any closer to sleep...

If anything I was the one getting sleepy. So I picked him up and started a second round of nursing.

This time I just let him fall asleep fully, before I put him back in the playard. I have too many things to try and do today to wait the 45 minutes for him to sleep when I can knock him out in 10 minutes with boobie.

I guess we're back to only night time "crying it out" training for now.